Keith D Gregory

Additional work experience, 1984-2010

in reverse chronological order

GSI Commerce, King of Prussia, PA; Senior Software Developer/Tech Lead

Health Market Science, King of Prussia, PA; Senior Software Developer

Gestalt LLC, Camden NJ; contract

Wellfound Technology Inc, Marietta GA; Senior Architect/Consultant

TIBCO Software Inc, InConcert division, Cambridge MA; Senior Architect

Mercator Software, Burlington MA; contract

Parametric Technology Corp, Waltham MA; contract

InConcert Inc, Cambridge MA; contract

Fidelity Investments, Boston MA; Technical Advisor, Manager of Ad Hoc Programming

Symmetrix, Lexington MA; Associate

General Electric Aircraft Engines, Lynn MA; contract

BBN Communications Corp, Cambridge MA; contract

Strawberry Software, Watertown MA; Software Engineer

Keithley Instruments Data Acquisition & Control, Boston MA; Software Engineer

THINK Technologies, Lexington MA; Software Engineer

Annotated List of Open Source Projects

An assortment of AWS-specific examples and tools. Mostly written in Python.
Appenders for Log4J 1.x, Log4J 2.x, and Logback that support writing to multiple AWS destinations. An alternative to Logstash or the Amazon logging agents, particularly when feeding the logs into ElasticSearch.
KDG Commons
Yet another library of utility classes, in the mold of Apache Commons. Created because I found myself rewriting the same classes over and over, and the adoption delay for submissions to Apache Commons is quite long (although one of my classes did end up there).
Practical XML
Utility classes to enhance Java's default XML library. In addition to simple utility methods like “add a child and inherit parent's namespace,” provides a nice XPath wrapper and a library to convert between XML and a variety of other formats.


Aggregating CloudTrail Log Files: a pipeline to optimize data lake performance
Greater Philadelphia AWS User Group, February 8, 2024
Let's Get Physical: optimizing performance of Redshift and Athena
Greater Philadelphia AWS User Group, June 28, 2023
Mitigating Log4Shell and friends with AWS
Philadelphia Java Users Group, April 12, 2022
Greater Philadelphia AWS User Group, April 21, 2022
Observability and You
Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise Conference, May 6, 2021
Follow the CloudTrail
Greater Philadelphia AWS User Group, July 22, 2021
Philly DevOps Meetup, Februrary 16, 2021
Accounts as a Service: Why we have 50+ AWS accounts, and why you should too
Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise Conference, April 14, 2020
Infrastructure Tools Comparison: Terraform, CloudFormation, and CDK
Lehigh Valley AWS User Group, February 12, 2020
Greater Philadelphia AWS User Group, June 18, 2020
So You Want to Migrate to AWS…
Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise Conference, April 23, 2019
Building a Logging Pipeline on AWS
Philadelphia Java User's Group, June 14, 2018
Greater Philadelphia AWS User Group, March 28, 2019
Lehigh Valley AWS User Group, June 12, 2019
AWS Messaging Solutions
Greater Philadelphia AWS User Group, July 11, 2018
Serverless Applications in Java
Philadelphia Java User's Group, May 17, 2017
Greater Philadelphia AWS User Group, April 26, 2017
JVM Internals
Philadelphia Java User's Group, March 26, 2014
Taming Maven
Philadelphia Java User's Group, November 14, 2012
Byte Buffers and Off-heap Memory
Philadelphia Java User's Group, November 9, 2010
Code Coverage
Philadelphia Java User's Group, October 14, 2009
Java Reference Objects
Philadelphia Java User's Group, December 12, 2007

Copyright Keith D Gregory, all rights reserved

Recruiters may not republish or redistribute this resume in any form without express written consent.